Second Saturday Shout-Out: Zach Hartman

This month’s shout-out hits a bit closer to home for us here at CitriClean. Zach Hartman is an 11-year old student in Tampa, FL who loves lizards, mud, and saving the planet.

Zach started his own entrepreneurial venture, which he appropriately calls “Zach’s Planet”, aimed at reducing waste. After taking out the trash with his mom one night, Zach noticed his own family was throwing away lots of things that should have been recycled. From that moment on, Zach decided to create a community service project to better our planet.

Zach has been collecting and donating books to schools and libraries across the US. He has been making quite an impact- donating over 65,000 books! Zach also collects, cleans, re-sews, and then upcycles thousands of stuffed animals that have been donated to animal shelters! How awesome is that! Zach is truly a steward who understands that reusing, when possible, is even better than recycling. Zach was even rewarded for his good deeds on a recent episode of The Drew Barrymore Show.

We tip our hats to Zach! And we encourage anyone who wants to help Zach in his efforts to donate to his GoFundME page. You can find the link HERE


News Channel 8 Article


Second Saturday Shout-Out: FARR


Do you know what happens to your trash and recycling?